It’s a totally different landscape these days, and publications we all know and love all these years are closing one after the other. Future announced that it is restructuring its offerings, and one of the publications that will receive the axe is CVG, Computer and Video Games.
Even though it’s been an online-only publication since 2004, the fact remains that it has been around since 1981. Yes, that is 33 years; it’s the oldest games publication around:
The games media landscape is changing all the time, with publications coming and going to reflect this. It’s a part of the business, one that employees at CVG’s parent company Future – which has long been scaling back its roster of magazines, sites and writers- have sadly become all-too accustomed to.
But like I said above, the fact this was the world’s first video game magazine gives this closure more sting in the tail than usual.
If you want to browse through some older issues, the Internet Archive has a few issues from the mid-80s that are free to view.
In addition to closing CVG, publisher Future is also planning to shut down Edge Online (just the website, not the magazine) and the websites for Official PlayStation, Official Xbox and Official Nintendo Magazine.
You can read the rest of the news story over at Kotaku.
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